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Simulation of false documentation offenses

Change in the jurisprudence of the law for simulation of false documentation offenses


At the end of last year, the sentence of Bárcenas case of the political party popular STS 1033/2024 of November 14th, developed the new legal criterion by which false contracts and invoices do not constitute a crime of false documentation by simulation, contrary to previous criteria established by the Supreme Court in STS 298/2024 of April 8.

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coercion in habitual residence

Crime of coercion in habitual residence


The crime of coercion in habitual residence are perpetrated to disturb the use and enjoyment of the habitual residence, something that happen in many cases where the landlord wants to coerce the tenant to leave the property, even if a rental contract has been signed and tenants are legitimized to inhabit the home.

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Monitoring of telephone communications

Monitoring of telephone communications


The monitoring of telephone communications consists on the restriction of the fundamental right to confidentiality and privacy of communications, contemplated in the article 18 of the Spanish constitution. It is a measure ordered by the Courts that is very useful to clarify criminal acts.

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The illegality of evidences

The illegality of evidences


The illegality of evidences on the criminal law are bassed on the «fruit of the poisonous tree» doctrine, a fundamental legal principle that holds about any evidence obtained unlawfully through the violation of fundamental rights must be considered tainted

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Gender violence

Supreme Court establishes indicative criteria to evaluate the declaration by victims of gender violence


The Supreme Court in order to objectify and determine the legitimacy of the declaration by victims of gender violence, established a series of guiding criteria to be taken into all courts in cases where they are investigating these crimes.

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The criminal conformity

The sentence of conformity


Criminal conformity is a judicial mechanism that allows the criminal procedure to be terminated prematurely, without the need for an oral trial to be held at Court.

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Police record cancellation

Everything you need to know about police record cancellation


It is important to be clear about the differences between police and criminal records, because criminal records are generated by a final conviction sentence in the criminal justice system..

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Criminal Defence Lawyers in marbella

Assisting clients at the Police Station


Mercury Lawyers do not fall short of, assisting clients, amending paperwork, filing necessary documents & talking, or, negotiating, with governmental officials & authorities…

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The verdict in the criminal procedure Mercury Lawyers in marbella

The criminal procedure called «Procedimiento abreviado» in Marbella, Spain » The hearing


We are going to explain the next phase of the process, which is known as hearing trial, which is regulated in articles 780 and following of the Spanish Criminal Procedure Law.

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Law Firm in Marbella Criminal procedure called the defense report

The criminal procedure called «Procedimiento abreviado» in Marbella, Spain » The defense report


We will explain the content of the defense report in the abbreviated procedure “Procedimiento abreviado”, it is regulated within the hearing trial phase, in articles 780 and following of the Spanish Criminal Law.

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