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Inheritances in Marbella

Inheritances in Marbella Services Offered by Mercury Abogados


Managing inheritances is a complex and delicate process that requires a thorough understanding of succession law. In Marbella, where quality of life and family wealth are highly valued, having the support of a specialized law firm about inheritances is essential. Mercury Abogados presents itself as a reliable and expert option in this field.

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Spanish Will

Spanish Will


In a previous post we talked about contesting a Spanish Will, but do you really know what a Spanish Will is and what are the advantages of making one?

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Contesting a Will

Contesting a Will


Contesting a will cannot be made by any person nor can it be given for any reason. The causes are included in art. 675 of the Civil Code.

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Family & inheritance law in Marbella, Spain

Family & inheritance law in Marbella, Spain


Families, often, unfortunately, find themselves splitting apart and finding their own ways, our law firm, specific to Marbella, want to help families consult experts in the field of separations and divorces in Marbella.

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lawyers in marbella The subsequent law of the widow spouse

The subsequent law of the widow spouse


In this blog of Mercury Lawyers in Marbella we will focus on the inheritance rights of the spouse who survives the other.

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lawyers in marbella contact

Taxation of non-residents in Spain for the Succesion Tax. Part 2


As a brief summary of the previous post, we will keep in mind the following points:
To know the residence of the deceased and therefore know the regional law to be applied, when the deceased and their heirs are residents of Spain and in the event that the deceased is resident in Spain and their heirs are non-resident in Spain.

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lawyers in marbella contact impuesto de sucesiones de no residentes en españa

Taxation of non-residents in Spain for the Succesion Tax. Part 1


In this post I will look at what may happen if you inherit money or property from a non-resident in Spain and especially if you can receive the tax benefits offered by the Law of Succession in Andalusia, which are more generous than central government taxation arrangements.

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lawyers in marbella contact Modificación del impuesto sobre sucesiones y donaciones en andalucía

Modification of the Tax on Succesiones and Donations in Andalucia


By means of the Spanish Law 1/2019, of 9 April, a series of amendments is made to the revised text of the provisions issued by the Andalusia region regarding assigned taxes.

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lawyers in marbella mediation herencias de no residentes en españa

Taxation of non-residents in Spain for the Succession Tax


When we talk about non-resident heritages in Spain, we have several doubts that we have to resolve before entering to analyze the taxation in depth.

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