The Convention of The Hague, The Hague Treaty

Our law firm based in Marbella, Spain, takes you through a brief journey back in time, the history of Europe is very diverse & rich in depth. After the Second World War, was a period of tying up loose ends for many countries. This for ensuring that an atrocity, the likes of the Second World War, would never happen again.

Also, to ensure documents, parchments & letters would not be dealt with in an improvised manner. But, rather, in compliance with the laws of an organization that is to head the proceedings of filing & processing documents.

One of the many treaties formed & legislated by European countries, is the Apostille treaty, signed & sealed in The Hague, the Netherlands.

Soon after that, plenty of international states & foreign countries followed suit, buying into the idea that the permanent organization provided. The goal was simple & concise, easing administrative proceedings for clientele of governments. Ensuring a well-delivered service is the penultimate aim for these aforementioned organizations, &, our advocacy group, of Marbella, Spain, strives for heights of similar proportions.

The Hague convention gathers more than 180 countries in an inclusive deal for all parties involved to reach a conclusion called an “Apostille”.

Our law firm abides by the rules of The Hague convention, ensuring our client’s and their paperwork, documentation & files, respectively, get managed & processed through the legal system in a conventional manner, i.e, an “Apostille”. For our client’s original documents from their home nation to be credible & relevant in our country of operations.

Mercury lawyers of Marbella, in accordance with European law, Spanish law & therefore, is in direct alignment with the laws of the treaty of The Hague convention. New countries, independent jurisdictions & states, throughout the decades since its establishment & formalization, have been agreeing & signing on for this treaty. This declaring their nations as endorsers of this convention, formally subjecting their administrative procedures & governmental transactional movements to act accordingly with the laws of this treaty. Spain, a long time signatory of The Hague convention’s “Apostille” treaty & our law firm, representative of our government’s legal terms, laws & interests, find it of essential importance to adopt these methods, inform our clients.


Do not hesitate to contact our Law Firm in Marbella if you have any questions about the Apostille or if you need to legalize any foreign document. Our expert lawyers in Marbella would be delighted to assist you. See The Apostille, part 2...

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