The marriage economic regimes in Spain (part II)

In this blog of Mercury Lawyers in Marbella we are going to talk about the marriage economic regimes in Spain and the regime of profit sharing. In part I of the blog we have already seen two different ones about the matrimonial property regime and the separation of assets. We recommend you read it.

Profit sharing

This regime must be expressly chosen and established by the spouses in marital capitulations, that is, it is an optional regime. As you remember from the first part of the blog, in the absence of an agreement, the applicable regime is that of community property.

The peculiarity of this regime is that it resembles the separation of property. In other words, during the term it works as the property separation regime. And each spouse is responsible for the administration, enjoyment and free disposal of both the assets that belonged to him at the time of contracting marriage and those that may be acquired later by any title, each responding with his assets of the debts he contracts. If those married under the participation regime jointly acquire any good or right, it belongs to them in ordinary undivided form.

The participation right

However, when the marriage is dissolved, each of the spouses acquires the right to participate in the profits obtained by their consort during the time that said regime has been in force. Participation will be half, unless the parties establish a different one, provided that it governs equally and in the same proportion for both spouses. If any of the spouses brings children from outside the marriage, then the participation will always be half.

Produced the extinction the earnings will be determined by the differences between the initial and final assets of each spouse. Therefore, at Mercury Lawyers in Marbella we recommend making an initial and final inventory, to be able to accurately calculate whether or not there was a profit, since otherwise it could imply that all the final assets are profit, if there was no proof in contrary.

The participation right works as a credit in favor of the spouse who obtained less profit during the marriage. It is expressly foreseen that this credit must be satisfied in money, and a judge may decide to postpone it for three years, provided that the debt and its legal interests are duly guaranteed. It may also be paid through the award of specific assets, if there is an agreement between the parties or if a judge grants it.

Do not hesitate to contact our Law Firm in Marbella if you have any questions about the marriage economic regimes in Spain or about divorces. Also, to advise you on any other civil matter. Our experienced civil law attorneys would be happy to assist you.


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